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Web Hosting

Hosting Plans Description

Hosting is a kind of online service that enables individuals and corporations to render their web pages visible on the Internet. Web hosting providers are firms that offer space on a web hosting server stored in a data center facility and guarantee constant network uptime.

Where do you begin?

The World Wide Web is a vital staple in every person's everyday routine. It gives you the ability to make extra profit, but can also be a major source of revenue. In order to embed adverts on your web site or to advertise a service that you offer, you invariably need a hosting service, which will make certain that your site is protected and constantly available. But how do you find one that is inexpensive and yet reliable enough?

The shared web hosting solution

Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
1 website hosted
30-Day Free Trial
$3.00 / month
Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
5 websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
$3.92 / month
The solution web hosting suppliers have come up with is named shared web hosting. With the shared hosting solution, multiple hosting clients are accommodated on the same web hosting server. There are austere limitations on the system resources that each account can in fact resort to, thus ensuring that they do not intervene with each other. The shared hosting solution offers good performance and is less expensive than, let's say, a dedicated hosting server, which is used by only one customer. The shared solution enables hosting firms to offer their customers modest prices. It usually comes with user-friendly hosting Control Panel software, as is the case with the server that we at DWS Web Hosting provide, and permits everybody to manage their online portals without bothering about server setup and maintenance procedures, which are entirely taken care of by the hosting corporation.

VPS hosting

With the VPS hosting solution, on the other hand, you share a physical server with other private virtual web server hosting account holders, but you are allocated a dedicated share of the resources. The virtual server solution is the middle ground between the much cheaper shared hosting solution and the more high-priced dedicated server hosting solution, and is a very suitable option for anyone who wants to build, for instance, a live streaming site or a social networking website. The circumstance that you have to take care of the server configuration settings and software updates yourself is somewhat of a downside, but this could also be a great asset if you indeed need to implement certain server configuration changes - something that would be unthinkable on a shared hosting web server.

Dedicated Servers

Dedicated servers are in most circumstances much more high-priced than shared hosting or virtual web server hosting solutions. You might wonder why would anyone want to use a dedicated web hosting server then? The reply is very simple. If your corporation has a high resource-devouring web page, or just has very exact web server configuration and safety requirements, the most intelligent option is a dedicated hosting server that you or your techs can manage directly. For someone who is inclined to invest in security and dependability, the higher price is of no importance. You receive complete server root access and can utilize 100 percent of the hosting web server's system resources without anyone else using these resources and interfering with your online portals.

* Price without VAT tax and payment fees, total price depends on your location.
Prices are displayed in US Dollars.